Header of project "Tides"


Media Installation

Sometimes roaring and hissing, sometimes whirring and rushing, sometimes vibrantly pulsating, sometimes peacefully floating and dreaming. Tides takes you on a journey into mystical water worlds. Take a seat beneath the water surface and allow yourself to be entranced by the play of light. What is reflected in the waves? Are there thoughts? Feelings? Or just shadows of distant worlds?

Media installation, indirect ceiling projection through oscillating water surface

  • Media Installation
  • Mystical
  • Underwater


Independent Project


Concept, Design, Electronics


After Effects, Adobe Audition
Adafruit, PocketVJ


Using a modified loudspeaker, vibrations are transmitted onto the water surface, which reflects the projection onto the ceiling. A small computer plays a video file and the image is utilized for the projection. One audio channel is used for creating low frequent water vibrations, while the second stereo channel plays the audible sound design.


Concept, Design, Electronics, Setup: Jonas Wolter